Petite parenthèse avec un retour sur Singapour et les joies de partager la route avec tous les usagers. Enfin, partager la route, c'est sur le principe et dans le BTT (Basic Theory Test, le code de la route singapourien), parce que dans les faits, la route est réservée aux voitures exclusivement, les motocyclistes peuvent l'emprunter non sans risque, elle est dangereuse pour les cyclistes et complètement interdite aux piétons. Retour sur un incident de road rage (les enragés de la route) qui s'est passé en 2013 entre une brave voiture et un méchant motard.
Que s'est-il passé en ce jour de novembre 2013 ? Voici comment le Strait Times (le premier journal local) rapporte la scène. Pour voir la vidéo et vous faire votre avis de l'analyse, cliquez sur ce lien.
A motorcyclist who punched and shattered the window of a Volkswagen in a
road rage incident on Nov 16, was sentenced to three weeks' jail
But Briton James George Palin (right), 33, is appealing against the sentence and is out on $15,000 bail.
The former regional director of a recruitment company, riding on his motorcycle on Tanjong Katong Road, had hit the bumper of a car driven by legal officer Chiang Pak Chien while overtaking him, reports The Straits Times.
Mr Chiang, 43, who was with his girlfriend, Valerie Tan Hsu Phen, 42, overtook Palin, who had not stopped his motorcycle.
Palin sped past him again and braked immediately in front of the car. Mr Chiang slammed on his brakes to avoid crashing into the motorcycle and told his girlfriend to call the police.
This was when Palin walked over to the driver's side and punched the glass, which shattered over the couple.
Palin fled on his bike. Both Mr Chiang and Ms Tan, who are now married, each suffered cuts on their body, face, neck, arms and legs, and were both given a week's outpatient leave.
Ms Tan, who saw a psychiatrist, was diagnosed with acute stress disorder with severe anxiety.
She avoids the Tanjong Katong stretch of road where the incident happened, and gets anxious and has palpitations when she sees "aggressive looking" motorcycles, according to a psychiatric report.
Palin's lawyer Shashi Nathan said his client claimed that the car had bumped into his motorcycle.
Palin regretted what he had done, and had offered to pay for the couple's medical expenses and for the damage to the car, an offer which they had turned down.
District Judge Hamidah Ibrahim said Palin's reaction was excessive and totally disproportionate, and agreed with the prosecution that there should be a jail term.
Palin could have been jailed for up to one year and fined up to $5,000 for causing hurt by doing a rash act to endanger the personal safety of others.
The former regional director of a recruitment company, riding on his motorcycle on Tanjong Katong Road, had hit the bumper of a car driven by legal officer Chiang Pak Chien while overtaking him, reports The Straits Times.
Mr Chiang, 43, who was with his girlfriend, Valerie Tan Hsu Phen, 42, overtook Palin, who had not stopped his motorcycle.
Palin sped past him again and braked immediately in front of the car. Mr Chiang slammed on his brakes to avoid crashing into the motorcycle and told his girlfriend to call the police.
This was when Palin walked over to the driver's side and punched the glass, which shattered over the couple.
Palin fled on his bike. Both Mr Chiang and Ms Tan, who are now married, each suffered cuts on their body, face, neck, arms and legs, and were both given a week's outpatient leave.
Ms Tan, who saw a psychiatrist, was diagnosed with acute stress disorder with severe anxiety.
She avoids the Tanjong Katong stretch of road where the incident happened, and gets anxious and has palpitations when she sees "aggressive looking" motorcycles, according to a psychiatric report.
Palin's lawyer Shashi Nathan said his client claimed that the car had bumped into his motorcycle.
Palin regretted what he had done, and had offered to pay for the couple's medical expenses and for the damage to the car, an offer which they had turned down.
District Judge Hamidah Ibrahim said Palin's reaction was excessive and totally disproportionate, and agreed with the prosecution that there should be a jail term.
Palin could have been jailed for up to one year and fined up to $5,000 for causing hurt by doing a rash act to endanger the personal safety of others.
Source : Straits Times, Singapore October 2014
Voila voila ! Condamné à trois semaines de prison pour avoir « mis en danger la vie d'autrui », Mr Palin a fait appel et a dû payer une caution de $15,000 pour pouvoir sortir. A noter que le motard-chauffard devant la pression médiatique et sociale a pris la poudre d'escampette par la suite, et qu'il est parti en année sabbatique loin de Singapour. Chacun est libre de donner son avis sur qui-met-en-danger-la-vie-de-qui, mais dura lex sed lex et à Singapour, on n'a tout simplement pas le droit d'endommager les biens d'autres personnes, surtout s'il s'agit d'une voiture.
Dans le flot continu d'insultes et de réjouissances face à la condamnation de cette brute épaisse de Brit', certains internautes ont tout de même pris sa défense en mettant en avant le comportement inconscient et stupide du chauffeur de la voiture. Fermer la route et faire des queues de poisson est une spécialité singapourienne bien connue pour ceux qui ont eu la chance d'emprunter les routes d'asphalte, et dans la vidéo on peut clairement voir que le chauffeur maîtrise cette spécialité locale. Le mot de la fin de ce fait divers, c'est qu'en plus d'avoir de mauvais conducteurs, ils ont de mauvaises comédiennes, en la personne de la compagne du chauffeur, Valerie Tan Hsu Phen. Je plaisante, mais la pauvre Val se remet très mal de cette terrible mésaventure, puisqu'elle souffre d'un trouble de stress aigu (TSA en français, ASD en anglais), qu'elle ne peut plus passer par cette rue sans avoir des sueurs froides, et qu'elle a des palpitations à la vue de motards « paraissant agressifs ». Nous retiendrons qu'il vaut mieux en toute circonstance garder son calme et que la violence ne mène à rien. Pour finir, nous pouvons dire qu'il s'agissait d'un mauvais remake du célèbre livre de Roal Dahl : James et la grosse pêche... dans la vitre. Terminons sur une note musicale avec la douce voix de Chali 2na et son Coming Thru (2009), donc la pochette me fait penser à la droite dévastatrice de James.
*Foo étant un nom de famille très répandu sur Singapour.
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